If I want something, I go get it
Anything that stops me, I question.
(Byron Katie)

Living “A 1000 names for joy”

6 weeks online training with »The Work of Byron Katie« (engl.)

  • Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.
  • If joy is who we are, we need to choose us every day.
  • We want to uncover the thoughts that keep us from choosing joy and us and do The Work

If that speaks to you, this eCourse is for you. Come and join us!

FULLY BOOKED – Finding Freedom with Money and the Economy

6 weeks online training with »The Work of Byron Katie« (engl.)

  • We are living in a challenging of time where we are facing many uncertainties:
  • Inflation, global conflicts, climate change. All these have pushed the cost of living higher than ever.
  • It is a time to take care of our fears arising around our livelihood and future.

If you can relate, this eCourse is for you. Come and join us!


– The Year of You 2022

1 year online training mit »The Work of Byron Katie«

  • Do you wish to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly and continually throughout an extended period of time to turn around your life?
  • Do you wish for a continued trusted companionship that can support your path to grow?
  • Is it your desire to find a secure and loving space for change to take place?
  • Are you looking for a continued and safe space to explore your most important issues and challenges in life?
  • Are you looking for support of like-minded people who are walking this path with you?

If yes, this online course is for you!

FULLY BOOKED – Von Schuld zur Vergebung

4 Wochen online Kurs mit »The Work« (dt.)

  • Lähmen dich Schuldgefühle?
  • Wie steht es mit der Schuld der anderen? Hältst du daran fest?
  • Wie gut kannst du andere annehmen?
  • Wie geht Wiedergutmachung?
  • etc

FULLY BOOKED – The Year of You 2022

1/2 year online training with »The Work« (engl.)

    • Do you wish to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly and continually throughout an extended period of time to turn around your life?
    • Do you wish for a continued trusted companionship that can support your path to grow?
    • Is it your desire to find a secure and loving space for change to take place?
    • Are you looking for a continued and safe space to explore your most important issues and challenges in life?
    • Are you looking for support of like-minded people who are walking this path with you?

    If yes, this online course is for you!

FULLY BOOKED – The Year of You 2022

1/2 year online training with »The Work« (engl.)

    • Do you wish to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly and continually throughout an extended period of time to turn around your life?
    • Do you wish for a continued trusted companionship that can support your path to grow?
    • Is it your desire to find a secure and loving space for change to take place?
    • Are you looking for a continued and safe space to explore your most important issues and challenges in life?
    • Are you looking for support of like-minded people who are walking this path with you?

    If yes, this online course is for you!

FULLY BOOKED – Working with feedback*

6 weeks online course with »The Work« (engl.)

  • Experience working with feedback
  • Discover what you believe about people thinking or saying about you
  • Identify feedback with the most pushback or reaction
  • What if others are right?
  • etc

*Membership in the Institute for The Work of Byron Katie is a prerequisite!

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
     (Rita Mae Brown)