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Whatever you do or don’t do is your contribution to realitysandra2020-12-13T13:15:52+01:00
The thoughts are supposed to come backsandra2020-12-09T13:53:15+01:00
People have a right to believe me to be who they believe me to besandra2020-12-09T11:57:56+01:00
If you question your thinking, negativity naturally disappearssandra2020-11-30T20:23:24+01:00
When you believe that your problem is caused by someone or something else, you become your own victimsandra2020-11-30T19:50:30+01:00
Mind’s job is to validate what it thinkssandra2020-11-30T19:17:21+01:00
Happiness exists only now. Being depressed requires that you not be here, in that nowsandra2020-11-25T20:14:10+01:00
The judgments you believe just created your worldsandra2020-11-23T19:04:55+01:00
Every loss has to be a gain, unless the loss is being judged by a confused mindsandra2020-11-23T18:13:36+01:00
Schuld ist nichts Schreckliches. Sie ist wie ein Wecker, der sagt, es gibt etwas aufzuräumensandra2020-11-23T17:50:35+01:00
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